The Adventures of an Outlaw in the Kingdom of God
“The Adventures of an Outlaw in the Kingdom of God,” is a personal story of a young man in an iconic Americana heartland during simpler times of long ago. Will paints the picture of sweet memories we all can identify with ourselves; to reach the height of fame and fortune, a lifestyle with no boundaries and no earthly hope, and yet to be retrieved by the unfailing love of our God in the Lord Jesus Christ. This is an amazing story!
- Ronnie Harold Phillips
Associate Pastor to David Wilkerson
Lindale, Texas & Times Square Church
About the Author
Will Callery
Author, Multi-Platinum Singer-Songwriter
Sick to death on over twenty-five years of massive cocaine addiction, whiskey and periodical seasons of mainlining heroin he became disoriented, hopeless, and destitute. In ’82, by the Grace of God, Will had an encounter with the Holy Spirit, receiving a miraculous deliverance before even knowing who Jesus Christ was. In the twinkling of the Lord’s Eye, he walked away clean receiving JESUS CHRIST as Lord and Savior of his life somewhere around two and half months later. Because of this incredible deliverance (no withdrawal, no rehab), Will immediately became past the point of no return and clean as a hound’s tooth.

The Road to Perdition

The Road to Restoration

The Road to Forgiveness

The Road Home
"Sometimes you think you have arrived, yet God's saying this is not the place, and He keeps you moving until you finally arrive where He wants you."
- Gilman I. Yumaa, Board Chair, Agape Ministries for Christ International

Come, take a journey into the life story of the multi-platinum singer-songwriter Will Callery, as he tells a powerful tale of divine intervention and God's unfailing love.
Joel Richardson

There remains a place for each of us in the heart of God. Mr Callery has found that place.
Francis Frangipane
From the Author
The Adventures of an Outlaw in the Kingdom of God
This book is for the heathen, the harlot, the fence-rider, and the back-slider, the sinner and the saint, the disheveled and the well-groomed, from the orphan to those who dwell in high towers. I believe its contents will touch the hearts of them one and all, simply because, all of these I myself have been, at one time or another…well, with the exception of a harlot.